Monday, July 28, 2008


- From a Film Clip called "Double Nade" -

First I NADED these 2 when I came around the corner!

Then this K....Kid tried to get up the lift...I BRed him down...LOL (While the other guy was shooting me).

Then I focused my sticky and BR on shortshift360 and well.

It didn't take too long and I had him beat with my sheilds down!!! LOL

- From a Film Clip called "I See You Stick" -

I Saw Marlins2009 from the center of the map and figured I would let him know it!!!

From his prospective.....Oh crap, he didn't just.....

WOW ....yes he (meaning me) did.....that's right don't think your safe from me anywhere!!! LOL

- From A Clip Called "Stuck YAH" -

I came around the corner from getting the sword and saw these jokers....

So I chucked a nade there way.....

One got stuck....and the others shields went down!

I moved in for the easy DOUBLE KILL!!!!

- From A Clip Called "Double Head Jump" -

Here I am in a Shotty Snipers match....came around the rocks a shot across the clearing!!!

First shot knocked down the first guys shields....then this second shot went thru his shoulder and into Travis..... HEAD!!!!!

- From A Clip Called "Ham Stick" -

This is here for fun.....a guy getting the second Hammer spawn...

Didn't get to have it for long!!!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sgt Riffle

I'm an action hero baby!


Supressive Fire - Me in my old armour. I'm the guy to the left wearing the ODST helmet.

Double Stick - This is a screenshot from my first Ranked match. I'm the Blue guy to the left.

Break This!

The light side

Monday, June 9, 2008

Blue Room Shots

CMO1211 & ACE120200 HEAD TO HEAD!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

Onyx Spartan

In Foundy
Got Color?