Monday, July 28, 2008


- From a Film Clip called "Double Nade" -

First I NADED these 2 when I came around the corner!

Then this K....Kid tried to get up the lift...I BRed him down...LOL (While the other guy was shooting me).

Then I focused my sticky and BR on shortshift360 and well.

It didn't take too long and I had him beat with my sheilds down!!! LOL

- From a Film Clip called "I See You Stick" -

I Saw Marlins2009 from the center of the map and figured I would let him know it!!!

From his prospective.....Oh crap, he didn't just.....

WOW ....yes he (meaning me) did.....that's right don't think your safe from me anywhere!!! LOL

- From A Clip Called "Stuck YAH" -

I came around the corner from getting the sword and saw these jokers....

So I chucked a nade there way.....

One got stuck....and the others shields went down!

I moved in for the easy DOUBLE KILL!!!!

- From A Clip Called "Double Head Jump" -

Here I am in a Shotty Snipers match....came around the rocks a shot across the clearing!!!

First shot knocked down the first guys shields....then this second shot went thru his shoulder and into Travis..... HEAD!!!!!

- From A Clip Called "Ham Stick" -

This is here for fun.....a guy getting the second Hammer spawn...

Didn't get to have it for long!!!!!

1 comment:

onyx/StoredGrunt said...

Why do you always pick on people with 360's in their name? Lol no need to explain.